A significant feature of life in our Academy is our incredibly smart uniform.

  • Year 7-11: Full Uniform.
  • Year 12 & 13 (6th Form): Formal business suits.

As I am sure your child will have informed you, blazers will be compulsory for all students in Year’s 7-11.

Formal business suits and jackets are compulsory for students in Years 12 & 13 (6th Form)

The uniform is available from our suppliers, Stevensons.

Second Hand Uniform:

Second hand uniform can benefit all parents, in particular those on low incomes. In addition, by extending the life of garments, it is more sustainable. Rivers Academy works with a company called “grow out of it” – this enables parents to purchase second hand uniform online.


We request that parents and carers insist that their children are properly dressed and equipped every day and support the Academy’s drive for the highest standards.

Uniform Grant/Free School Meals Application Form

Please find below the Uniform Expectations Document which goes into precise detail about the uniform:

Uniform Expectations

Uniform Policy


Where next

School Gateway

Online Payments – available via School Gateway  You will be able to make online payments to school via instant bank transfer, credit or debit card.…

School Gateway

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